What benefits does fish oil contribute?

Derwent Trading Team

Fish oil is a type of natural fat extracted from cold water marine fish such as the salmon, tuna, herring, sardine and anchovy, among others. It has a high omega 3 content, along with essential fatty acids, also known as “good fats”. It is a product with a high nutritional value due to its eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content, two types of omega 3 which are essential for the bodies of dogs and also humans. Additionally, fish oil has a good contribution of vitamin D, an essential nutrient for synthesising calcium and forming bones.

Below, Derwent Trading details some of the properties which consuming this oil has for dogs and cats:

– Strengthening their immune system. Helps to keep it strong and healthy.

– Improving the health and appearance of fur and skin. Reduces the risk of allergies and skin problems.

– It has anti-cancer properties. It has been demonstrated that omega 3 is capable of stopping and delaying the anomalous multiplication of cancer cells.

– It is a cardiovascular protector. Omega 3 helps to reduce levels of cholesterol. It improves blood circulation and the oxygenation of tissues, and in turn prevents arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

– It reduces the risk of kidney failure. It contributes to the proper function of the kidneys.

– It improves vision and hearing.

– It stimulates cognitive functions.

– It is a natural anti-inflammatory. Regular and moderate consumption of this oil is effective for preventing inflammatory processes and joint problems, such as arthritis, arthrosis and the degeneration of joint cartilage.

– It prevents vitamin D deficiency. It stimulates the absorption of calcium ingested in the diet, contributing to the formation and strengthening of the bones. It also helps to prevent infectious illnesses, such as tuberculosis, which are more frequent when there is a vitamin D deficiency.

– It helps to combat the symptoms of depression in dogs and cats, improving their quality of life at a physical, emotional and social level.

Additionally, Derwent Trading, committed to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and protection of the environment, ensures that the producers of fish oils with which we work have the MarinTrust certification (previously IFFO RS), which certifies that their Marine Ingredients are obtained and produced in a responsible way, reducing environmental impact.

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