10 vegetable proteins for pets

  • Peas and grean beans.

Rich in vitamins A and C and with antioxidant, digestive and, above all, energetic properties, these vegetables are highly beneficial for your pet in moderate quantities. They are a great source of outstanding nutrients in vegetable protein, vitamins, fibre and minerals, and they have zero fat and only a few calories.

  • Soya.

Soya is the queen of vegetable protein, so much so that it is often referred to as ‘vegetable meat’. One of the richest sources of vegetable protein, it contains 37 g of protein per 100 g and low levels of saturated fat. It also contains large quantities of iron and calcium. The soya in our pet food will always be NON-GMO (not genetically modified).

  • Spinach.

This vegetable helps regulate your pets’ bowel movement thanks to its content in fibre. It is also rich in vitamins A, C, E, B and F. Indeed, green leafy vegetables provide more nutrients than any other food. They contain high-quality, easily assimilated amino acids.

  • Rice.

Rice is a universal basic foodstuff that is beneficial mainly because it contains neither cholesterol nor sodium. It is a very complex carbohydrate that is easily digested and provides high-quality protein.

  • Blueberries.

One of the most outstanding properties of blueberries is their high content in antioxidants. They are one of the best fruits for helping to protect your pets from heart-related diseases. They are also rich in vitamin C and fibre.

  • Carrots.

Carrots are one of the best vegetables for pets not only because of their antioxidant, purifying and digestive properties, but also because they help strengthen their teeth. They also help eliminate bacterial plaque. They are a genuine treasure trove of vitamins (B, C, D, E and K)and a great allyfor a dog’s eyesight.

  • Flax Seed.

With just over 18 g of protein per 100 g in weight, flax seed also has cardio-protective power, is rich in healthy fats and provides many other essential nutrients.

  • Oats.

Energetic, filling, rich in fibre, a source of minerals and vitamins, they also have a low glycemic index and provide a generous amount of vegetable protein.

  • Wheat bran.

Wheat bran stands out above all for being a great source of fibre, but it also has a considerable quantity of protein content.

  • Apples.

Both for their digestive and their astringent properties, apples are ideal for treating canine diarrhoea and other stomach problems. Furthermore, their high content in vitamin C, calcium and anti-inflammatory properties, make apples an excellent fruit for dogs.

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