The future of our seas, in our hands

By Rodrigo Arévalo Cubero
Director Derwent Trading

According to the United Nations, 50% of the world’s population live in coastal areas. However,  midway through the 20th century that percentage did not reach the 20% mark but by next century this figure will increase to over 60%.

Because of this tendency the UN is seriously considering the construction of floating cities and several projects are already under way such as Ocean City, the first floating city designed by the Center for Ocean Engineering – MIT and the Bjarke Ingels Group. They will be sustainable cities in all their splendour.

It is worth remembering that 71% of the planet’s surface is formed by water. The seas, oceans and rivers compose a biodiversity of such magnitude that not even humanity has been able to discover all its immensity.

Scientists at the University of Barcelona (UB) at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), at the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Oceanographical Institute (IEO) are warning of the devastating threat to the marine ecosystems. The main causes for this environmental disaster, according to scientists, are contamination, the abuse of the oil and gas industry, the rampant coastal urbanization, the destructive and unsustainable fiching practices and last but not least the illegal and uncontrolled aquaculture as the biggest threats that hover over our salt waters.

It is our duty and more so our moral obligation to try and revert this situation. We have time,  we still have time.

Our “Core Business” places us as key protagonists and ultimately we have the highest level of responsibility to take the most appropiate steps to know that the seas and oceans will not make us responsible for their degradation and premature death.

The survival of our oceans has to be the cornerstone of everything that surrounds us. We must remember that we not only generate but are also responsable for food supplies that have to reach millions and millions of homes all over the world, in optimal nutritional conditions and at affordable prices for all.

From Derwent Trading, as a main supplier of sustainable and high quality marine raw materials, to our partner Dibaq Aquaculture, we both strive and do our utmost so that this responsibility remains our approach now and in the future.

Looking after the seas means looking after mankind. We still have time.

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